Report it
Parish Issues – Who to report to?
Please contact in regard to the following:
Potholes, Drainage/Flooding/Spillage issues on the road; overgrown shrubbery causing obstruction/visibility issue; other issues with roads and pavements; streetlights; public rights of way.
If your report relates to an immediate public safety issue, please contact the Police.
Wychavon District Council: also has a section on items to be reported e.g. Dog Fouling; Japanese knotweed; Nuisances (opens in a new window) i.e. smoke, noise, light, accumulations, dust/odour insects/flies, bonfires); problem with a litter or dog bin; Abandoned Vehicles; Damaged Street Sign; Dead Animal; Fly Tipping; Travellers on public land; Untidy front gardens; On street parking; Report a planning enforcement issue