In 2014 the parish community completed a comprehensive parish questionnaire expressing strong views on future building expansion and valuing our heritage.

20th May 2015 the Parish Council decided to translate the community wishes on building developments and heritage into a Neighbourhood Plan to give the parish stronger protection.

6th July 2015 a Steering Group Constitution was agreed and Council members appointed to lead it. Communicated wishes to whole community by post and received 16 positive responses.

10th September 2015 Wychavon District Council approved Neighbourhood Plan application.

21st September 2015, Steering Group formed and 1st Newsletter calling for volunteers sent 3rd October.

Following changes to the Steering Group membership in June 2016 a Newsletter was delivered to the community asking for more volunteers. Two strong candidates were approved.

On the 31st August 2016 a new Chairman and Vice Chair appointed plus Clerk to the Parish Council and quotes from consultant, questionnaire specialist and housing needs survey specialist agreed. Revised (in-house) draft new questionnaire circulated and agreed we should apply to Locality for funding before incurring costs.

Members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

  • Morgan Murray (Chairman & Parish Councillor)
  • David Proops
  • Emma Buckingham
  • Julia Tyrrell
  • John Tookey
  • Joan Hunt
  • Chrissie Brown
  • Mel Shore
  • Carolyn Hodges (Parish Councillor)
  • Nicky Holland ( Clerk to Parish Council)


Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendasMinutesSupporting Documents
Wed 8th May, 2024Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Download DownloadNA
Mon 16th Jan, 2023Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – Minutes Jan 23. DownloadNA
Mon 29th Mar, 2021Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Download DownloadNA
Thu 28th Jan, 2021Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Download DownloadNA
Thu 22nd Oct, 2020Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Download DownloadNA
Tue 18th Aug, 2020Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting Download DownloadNA
Tue 20th Aug, 2019Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Download DownloadNA
Wed 18th Jul, 2018Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Download DownloadNA
Mon 22nd Jan, 2018Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Download DownloadNA
Mon 23rd Oct, 2017Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Download DownloadNA
Mon 12th Jun, 2017Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Download DownloadNA
Tue 2nd May, 2017Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group DownloadNA
Mon 6th Feb, 2017Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Download DownloadNA
Wed 31st Aug, 2016Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Download DownloadNA

Supporting Documents
